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6 Steps For Moving Beyond Overwhelmed

| Overwhelmed

Being overwhelmed happens to each one of us at one point or another. Sometimes being overwhelmed happens because it’s just a really busy day. Other times we can be overwhelmed because our life seems to be totally out of control.  Pro Tip: Everything you do, large or small task, is an accomplishment.  It’s a step forward.

Here are 6 steps to keep you moving forward and help you dimmish that feeling of being overwhelmed:

1.  Grab a pen and paper.  Any paper will do.  Crayons work as well as pens or pencils.  Make a list of everything that you can think of that you’re grateful for. No need to overthink.  Just start writing.  Big things.  Little things.  Everyday things.  Once in a lifetime things.  When your list making begins to slow move to the next step.

2.  On a completely different piece of paper, make a list of everything that you feel you absolutely must accomplish right now / today.  Remember:  this list is only about “TODAY”.

3.  Now, Steps 3 and 4 go together so I want you to read through both steps before moving forward.  Once you’ve read through both steps and you have your list making tools reassembled, I want you to prioritize the list you just made for “TODAY” in Step 2 above.

Order all of your line items according to what you feel has the greatest need to complete, whether it’s based on keeping income flowing in, job security, health and safety or any other thing that you believe is truly non-negotiable.  #1 is, obviously, the most important thing that you feel you must accomplish today. 

Be sure to leave three lines between each of your TODAY priorities.

4.  Now, go back to the first item on your “TODAY” list.  Under each priority item, list three things that are action items that must be done in order to accomplish that task so you can mark it off your list.


Complete tax return

  •  Gather tax documents
  •  Assemble tools (i.e. calculator, pencils and erasers…)
  •   Download online support documents 

5.  Review your Priority  & Action List.  If that review causes anxiety, reread your Gratitude List.

6.  Start with #1 on your list!

Overcoming the feeling of being overwhelmed can be an incremental process.  You may not even realize that you’re making progress, but you are!  Everything that you do, regardless of whether it seems like a big step or a small step is definitely a step toward accomplishing the task(s) or the goal(s) that you’re feeling overwhelmed by.  Don’t forget – Rome really was not built in a day.  Everything you accomplish today will be GREAT!  If there’s more to do…tomorrow really is another day.  Think about it then!


Arm yourself with a large glass or bottle of water, and some easy to grab high protein snacks.

If music calms you and helps you focus, turn it on.  Keep in mind though that lyrics and spoken words may be subliminal distractions.

Turn your phone to silent.  Put a Do Not Disturb sign on your office or front door.

Cross each item off the list as you accomplish it.

Believe in YOU, and your ability to get these things DONE.

#Overwhelmed #BelieveInYou #Goals #ToDoList #Priorities #Accomplishment #Progress #Gratitude #TaxTime #JobSecurity #HealthAndSafety #Income 

Recommendations are independently chosen by Dale. Purchases made through the links attached throughout this post may earn Dale and her publishing partners a commission.  As an Amazon Associate Dale earns from qualifying purchases.

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