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Just as you need a plan or a map for a trip, you need a plan to achieve your goals and dreams. My Life, Designed by ME provides tools, tips, resources & inspiration so you can create the life you always imagined you'd have!

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You Can Be Anything You Want to Be!

I once heard someone say,  "You should never tell anyone that they can do or be anything they want.  That just isn’t true."   That person was so wrong!  I tell you that you CAN do anything you want to do… any goal that you have, any dream that you have, you CAN achieve it! 

In order to achieve your goal, to become what you want to become, you have to start brand new every single day.  What does starting new mean? That may seem so scary to you, but don’t be afraid. It’s actually very exciting, and you are in control every single step of the way every second of every 24 hour day.  So, how do we get the ball rolling? What is the first step? How do we know what that “right” first step should be?

Not to oversimplify, but let’s make this really easy just for conversation sake right here, right now. First off, what’s your dream? Seems like that should be a no-brainer, right? But what is your specific dream? Is it “I want a better job.”   “I want a happier relationship.”  Maybe it’s,  “I want to live somewhere else. I don’t like where I live.” Ooookkkayyy. So what job do you want? What is it about a happier relationship that you want? You don't want to live here anymore. Do you want to live in a different abode? A different city? A different climate?

These may seem like nit-picky questions. But if you don’t know where you’re going, how do you know how to get there? You may remember a time when there was no Google maps there was no map program or Waze app.  If you wanted to go on a trip (short or long) you had to look at an atlas, or some other type of paper map. And then, when you looked at that map, you could plot your trip from where you were to where you wanted to go. That’s exactly what you have to do to achieve your goal, the dream that you have in mind!  There are many ways to plot your trip to your goal. 

You probably have more than one goal. You may have hundreds of goals. I encourage you to start with one goal right now. Maybe it’s not your biggest goal, but it's the one that's been at the forefront of your mind lately. Maybe you discover during the journey to achieve this goal that you want something different.  Changing your mind is absolutely fine. Changing the steps and/or the direction that you go in to obtain the goal, the dream that you have in mind right now… is OK.  Every day we grow, we change. Every day, our brains, all of our senses, take in new information. That information can change our entire perception of what we thought we wanted or needed just yesterday.  The potential for change does not preclude us from having a plan.

Going back to our trip analogy, if you leave San Francisco on a car trip to Yosemite and you realize that the weather’s not great at Yosemite for the trip that you have planned so you’re going to change your destination and you’re gonna go down to Baja instead. That’s OK!  Making the decision to change your course is all part of the journey.  But if we never plan our trip, if we never set our mind toward a destination, then how can we ever hope to get to the place that we’ve dreamed of?

In order to do what you’ve always wanted to do, be what you’ve always dreamed of being, you have to have a goal. You have to have a plan. Together, we can develop a plan. But you're the only one in control of knowing what the goal is. So what is your goal? What do you want?

#Dreams #Goals  #decisions  #maps

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